
The Constitution of the VCSSDPA

1.0      The Constitution of the VCSSDPA

1.1         The Name of the Association
The name of the Association shall be “Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools Deputy Principals’ Association” (VCSSDPA). The VCSSDPA is an unincorporated, not for profit association.

1.2         Aims of the Association
1.2.1   To foster the professional, personal and spiritual development and welfare of its members.

1.2.2   To further the development of Catholic secondary education throughout the State of Victoria.

1.3         Functions of the Association
The Association shall

1.3.1   Provide opportunities for formation as leaders in a Catholic faith community.

1.3.2   Provide opportunities to develop shared professional conversations and develop collegial networks.

1.3.3   Welcome new deputies to the association and support them in the transition to the role.

1.3.4   Provide targeted professional learning opportunities in the contemporary educational paradigm

1.4         Membership
1.4.1   Membership shall be open to all Catholic secondary schools within the State of  Victoria. Membership entitles those who are Deputy Principals or in equivalent positions in member schools to participate in the activities of the Association.

1.4.2   Persons appointed to an acting Deputy Principal position or its equivalent shall be entitled to participate in activities of the Association and shall be entitled to the voting rights of the absent participant.

1.4.3   Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are conferred by financial membership of the current fiscal year.

1.4.4   Schools who have paid the current annual subscription shall be deemed financial members. Only members from financial member schools have voting rights within the Association. When votes are taken, each member school is entitled to one vote.

1.4.5   The Executive may, by unanimous vote, confer Fellowship or honorary Life Membership in the Association as per the following process and criteria: Fellowship is one of the highest forms of professional recognition to currently serving Deputy Principals. Fellowship is awarded to a Deputy Principal who has made an exemplary contribution to Catholic secondary education and the VCSSDPA. a  Criteria for Fellowship:

■      A current financial and registered member of the VCSSDPA

■      Outstanding support to members of the Association through involvement in the Association and Catholic Secondary  education.  It is considered they have brought a significant benefit to Catholic Secondary education.

■      Demonstrated outstanding service to others in their school community(ies) and beyond.

■      Demonstrated outstanding integrity in leading a school community or program. b  Process for Fellowship:

■                        Must be nominated by a current financial and registered member of the VCSSDPA.

■                        Submit an application form that describes the achievements and contributions of the nominated member based on the criteria. The submission must be received by the VCSSDPA Executive at least two months to the Annual General Meeting.

■                        Fellowship is awarded at the Annual General Meeting.    Life membership is the Association’s highest honour bestowed upon a former Deputy Principal  who  has served in Catholic Education. Life membership will  be awarded to a VCSSDPA member that recognises a significant contribution as set out in the criteria below.  a Criteria for Life Membership

■      Has been a financial and registered member of the VCSSDPA

■      Fits one of the following categories: retiring from Catholic Education; stepping down from a Deputy Principal appointment; moving onto Principalship

■      Has represented the VCSSDPA with distinction on the VCSSDPA Executive and/or VCSSDPA committees.

■      Has demonstrated values that reflect dedication to our Catholic Values.

■      Has provided valued leadership around the association and considered a role model both within the Association and their school community(ies).  b Process for Life Membership

§  Must be nominated by a current financial and registered member of the VCSSDPA.

§  Submit an application form that describes the achievements and contributions of the nominated member based on the criteria. The submission must be received by the VCSSDPA Executive at least two months to the Annual General Meeting.

§  Life Membership is awarded at the Annual General Meeting.

1.4.6   Honorary life membership shall carry with it none of the obligations of membership,  but shall entitle the holder to attend meetings of  the Association and to speak, but  not to make motions, to vote or to hold office.

1.5       Annual Membership and Subscription
1.5.1 The Annual Membership Subscription shall be fixed by the Executive of the Association. There will be one annual subscription per school.

1.6       The Executive
1.6.1   The business of the Association shall be conducted by an Executive.

1.6.2   The Executive of the Association shall consist of nine members, with at least one from country dioceses, who are elected for a period of three years. At the conclusion of each Executive member’s three-year term, their position on the Executive will be subject to re-election: incumbents are eligible to stand for re-election for two additional consecutive terms. The Executive has the ability to co-opt additional members as required. A President, a Secretary and a Treasurer will be elected as office bearers from the 9-member Executive.

1.6.3   There shall be no more than one Executive member from each member school.

1.6.4   All members of the Executive must be financial members of the Association. As vacancies arise, there will be a call for nominations. Elections will be held as required.

1.6.5   Each office bearer is elected for a two-year tenure and may seek re-election (for a maximum of two consecutive terms).

1.6.6   A quorum for a valid meeting of the Executive shall be five elected members.

1.6.7 The Executive shall meet at least three times each calendar year. One of these meetings shall be prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

1.7       Meetings of the Association
1.7.1   The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held annually for the purpose of receiving reports, including a financial statement of the Association, declaring the elected Executive for the ensuing year, and any other relevant business.

1.7.2   An Extraordinary Meeting of the Association may be called if ten members in writing request the Executive to call such a meeting or the Executive decides by  a majority  vote to call such a meeting.

1.7.3   At least fourteen days’ notice in writing shall be given of the Annual General Meeting and an Extraordinary Meeting of the Association.

1.7.4   A quorum for an Annual General Meeting and an Extraordinary meeting shall be one- third of the financial member schools of the Association.

1.8       Non-profit and dissolution clause
1.8.1   The assets and income of the Association shall be applied solely in furthermore of its above mentioned objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Association except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.

1.8.2   In the event of the Association being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another organisation with similar purposes which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.

1.9       Changes to the Constitution
1.9.1   Changes in the constitution of the Association can be made only at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Association called for the specific purpose of considering an amendment to the Constitution. Notice of the proposed changes must be given in writing to all members at least fourteen days prior.

1.9.2   Motions involving amendments to the Constitution must be carried by a majority of voting member schools present when the motion is put.

Ratified by members: AGM 8 December, 2020


NOTHING WITHIN THIS CONSTITUTION may be deemed to contradict the directives of the Ordinaries of the Dioceses of Victoria or the policy of the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.


Manual of procedures

To be read in conjunction with the Constitution

of the Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools’ Deputy Principals’ Association

2.1 Introduction

Consequential renumbering of sub-clauses:-

2.1.1      A copy of this manual of procedures will be made available via our website, together with the Constitution, to all financial participants of the Association.

2.1.2  Amendments to the manual may be made by the Association at any general meeting of the Association.

2.2       The Executive

2.2.1      The Executive shall be responsible for the co-ordination of the activities of the Association.

2.2.2      The Executive shall be responsible for the preparation of the agenda for ordinary, extraordinary and annual general meetings of the Association.

2.2.3     The Executive, where appropriate, may make recommendations to meetings of the Association.

2.2.4     The Executive shall be responsible for the efficient conduct of all meetings of the Association.

2.2.5     The Executive shall be responsible for the implementation of decisions taken at meetings of the Association and shall report, on this implementation to a subsequent meeting of the Association.

2.2.6     The Executive shall be responsible for the seeking (from among financial participants of the Association) of nominations and where necessary conducting ballots to obtain official representatives of the Association where appropriate.

2.2.7     The Executive shall be responsible for the filling of casual vacancies on the Executive until the next Annual General meeting.  This action shall be reported to the Association at the meeting of the Association immediately following this action.

2.2.8      If the casual vacancy occurring is that of President, then the Secretary assumes that role in an acting capacity and the Executive is responsible for filling any casual vacancies.

2.2.9     The Executive shall be responsible for the filling, for the remainder of the term of office, of any casual vacancies that occur for representatives of the Association on committees.  This action shall be reported to the Association at the meeting of the Association immediately following this action.

2.2.10   The Executive shall be responsible for ensuring the periodic evaluation of the Association and its activities.

2.2.11  The committee shall be responsible for appointing auditors and commissioning

of a review every three years of the financial reports of the Association.

2.2.12   Special meetings of the Executive may be called by the President or on the written request of three members of the Executive.

2.2.13   A member of the Executive absent for more than two consecutive meetings of the Executive without excuse deemed adequate in the opinion of the Executive may, by a two-thirds vote by ballot of the Executive, be asked to resign the office.

2.2.14   The Executive may establish such sub-committees as are deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Association and the furthering of the aims of the Association.  Such subcommittees must report regularly to the Executive.

2.3     Office Bearers of the Association

2.3.1     The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive.

2.3.2     The President is empowered to make a casting vote.

2.3.3      The Secretary, in the absence of the President or in the case of the President’s inability to perform duties, shall perform the duties of President of the Association.

2.3.4     In the absence of the President, the Secretary shall preside at meetings of the Association and of the Executive.

2.3.5     The Secretary shall be responsible for the keeping of all minutes and records of proceedings, of the Association and of its Executive.

2.3.6     The Secretary shall be responsible for the distribution of agenda papers and minutes of Executive Meetings and of ordinary, extraordinary and annual general meetings of the Association

2.3.7     The Secretary shall conduct all relevant correspondence on behalf of the Association.

2.3.8     The Secretary shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the Association’s files.

2.3.9     The Secretary shall be responsible for the calling of nominations and for the preparation of ballot papers.

2.3.10   The Secretary shall keep the register of honorary life members.

2.3.11   Upon resignation or at the end of term of office the Secretary shall hand all papers appertaining to the Association business to the President.

2.3.12   The Treasurer shall receive all subscriptions to the Association and shall keep current a file of financial members and participants, together with their addresses.  A copy of this file is to be made available to the Secretary of the Association.

2.3.13   The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the Association.

2.3.14   The Treasurer shall, at the direction of the Executive, be responsible for the investment of the Association’s funds.

2.3.15   The Treasurer shall be responsible for the payment of all accounts of the Association.

2.3.16   The Treasurer, together with the President and Secretary shall be signatories to all bank and investment accounts.

2.3.16a  All financial transactions of the association must have two signatures from either

the Treasurer, President or Secretary.

2.3.17   The Treasurer shall keep proper books of account of all moneys received and disbursed.

2.3.18   The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget which must be approved by the Executive.

2.3.19   At all times the Treasurer shall have the accounts open to inspection by the Executive, the President and by any auditors named by the Executive.

2.3.20   Upon resignation, or at the end of term of office, the Treasurer shall turn over to the incoming Treasurer all records and property in the Treasurer’s possession.

2.4     Elections

2.4.1     The Executive shall be responsible for the conduct of elections required under the Constitution and Procedure of the Association.

2.4.2     At least six weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Association, the Secretary shall notify all participants in the Association that written nominations are called for all positions on the Executive and shall state a closing date for nominations to be received.  This date must be at least three weeks from the date calling for nominations.

2.4.3     Fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting, of the Association, the Secretary shall notify all participants in writing of the nominations received by the closing date for nominations.

2.4.4     Nominations must be received by the Secretary in writing and must carry the signature of the nominee, the proposer and the seconder.

2.4.5      Election to the Executive shall be by ballot and a relative majority vote shall rule.

2.4.6     In the case of a tie vote a further election shall be held in which only those candidates whose vote was tied shall have passive voice.  If a further tie vote results, the election shall be determined by lot.

2.4.7     Two tellers for the election are appointed by the Chairperson.

2.4.8     After collection of the ballots in a ballot box, the tellers count the ballots and announce the result of the vote to the Chairperson.

2.4.9     The result of the election is proclaimed by the Chairperson.

2.4.10   The election procedure outlined above shall be followed whenever the Association elects one of its members to either the Executive or as a representative of the Association.

2.4.11   The Executive committee shall elect within itself the following office bearers.  The order of election shall be:

2.4.12   Where only one nomination is received for any position on the Executive, that person shall be declared elected

2.5        Representation on behalf of the Association

2.5.1     Only financial participants in the Association are entitled to act as representatives on various bodies which are concerned with education and seek the participation of the Association.

2.5.2     It is the responsibility of these representatives to report in writing regularly to the Executive of the Association and to meetings of the Association.

2.6        Meetings

2.6.1     Prior to meetings of the Association, all members shall receive agenda papers.

2.6.2     At an extraordinary meeting of the Association, only matters contained in the notice of such a meeting may be discussed.

2.6.3     The President shall conduct meetings according to community standard meeting procedures.

2.6.4     Only financial members of the Association may make motions and vote at meetings of the Association.

2.6.5     The President shall exercise the right to allow non-members to speak at a meeting of the Association.

2.7        Fees, Dues and Funds

2.7.1  The fiscal year of the Association shall be from 1st January to 31st December inclusive.

2.7.2     In addition to the annual membership fee, the Association may charge for services (such as conferences, publications) offered to its members and to others.

2.7.3     All funds collected by the Association must be used to further the aims of the Association or for Catholic Secondary Education in Victoria.

(Revised September 2019, VCSSDPA AGM)